The apparent differences with AZ21-0324 are: - narrower orange band on the FW - much less orange on the mesathorax - fewer orage spots on the verso of the abdome. Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 3: 64, pl. 36, f. 6; Automolis collateralis, n. sp. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 6.) Male: Black; frons, vertex of head, thorax, and legs with patches of metallic blue; back of head with orange spots; tegule and patagia with broad orange fascia; fore coxe with orange spots ; abdomen with metallic blue dorsal, subdorsal, and sublateral spots, the medial segments with ventral orange bands. Fore wing with very oblique orange band from above vein 6 to just above inner margin near base; the termen and cilia dull brownish. Hind wing with orange patch on costal area, extending to just below the cell and narrowing to a point at apex. Hab. Colombia, 1 M type. Exp. 42 millim This is not O. underwoodi: Rothschild, 1909; Novit. Zool. 16 (1): 47, (2): pl. 6, f. 34: 97. Automolis uuderwoodi spec. nov. (PI. VI. fig. 34). Male. Similar to A. pratti, but at once recognisable in the forewing by the basal two-thirds of costa being orange yellow and the longitudinal orange-yellow band being much wider, half filling cell. No fuscous cilia. -Hindwing more extended yellow. Hah. Costa Rica (Underwood).